Buenaventura IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology

Clusters and Other Business Models for Biotech
Rogelio Nochebuena

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 7 PM
CLU - Richter Hall, Ahmanson Science Building - co-sponsored by the Buenaventura Section Life Member Affinity Group

As the problems associated with escalation of costs in the development of new drugs and global competition intensifies Big Pharma and Biotech companies seek better, faster and more economical forms to develop drugs required to fill their pipelines and improve market valuations.

A proven approach relies in the development of Biotechnology Clusters, where companies find auspicious condition to grow including: proximity to top research universities, access to capital, highly qualified human capital, etc. In recent times however new business models have started to appear having the promise of expediting drug discovery and reducing its cost. They also promote structural changes in Big Pharma including the disappearance of monolithic structures.  Fully Integrated Pharma Company (FIPCO) then becomes Virtually Integrated Pharma Company (VIPCO).

VIPCOs around the globe present a viable alternative in the race for the development of new drugs at a lower cost. In this model the work is done where they can get the “most bang for their buck”. It is a brave new world and the opportunities for entrepreneurial minds and organizations proliferate the ingredients to success become proper use of internal and external brainpower.

Rogelio Nochebuena
Nochebuena R&D

Mr. Nochebuena has more than 20 years of experience in high technology. He has worked in Fortune 100 campanies, as well as start-ups. Some of the companies that he has worked for include Agilent Technologies, Xerox Corp, and Carl Zeiss where he served in senior technical and marketing positions. His consulting practice includes clients such as Lawrence-Livermore National Labs, Intelligent Optical Systems as well as tier one universities.

He has developed an ability to spot technologies in the embryonic stages and advise entrepreneurs and venture capital clients on how best to harvest such developments.

Mr. Nochebuena combines knowledge in the physical and biological sciences and has been involved in a variety of projects with strong emphasis on lasers and opto-electronic materials and devices. While working at world famous Xerox PARC, he was tutored in nanotechnology by Professor Cal Quate, the co-inventor of the Atomic Force Microscope. Since then he has been involved in a variety of projects that include nanolaminates, organic nanotubes, OLED’s (Organic Light Emitting Diodes), and avant- guarde photovoltaics.

He brings expertise in the areas of technology transfer, commercialization and licensing IP, managing innovation and business strategy.  He has participated in a number of panels and local seminars and conferences, and held the position of Chapter Vice-Chair for the IEEE Laser and Opto-Electronics Society.

His education includes graduate work in Electrical Engineering and Material Science from Brigham Young University and Rice University, and holds an MBA from Pepperdine University.

Meeting Site: California Lutheran University Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center,
Second Floor, rooms 253/254, 130 Overton Court, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Meetings are free, and open to the public
Dinner: Available at 6 p.m. for $12 payable at the door, no RSVP needed.
Parking: Parking is free outside of the Gilbert Sports Center
Contact: Steve Johnson, sfjohnso@ieee.org
Our Sponsors: La Reina High School and Middle SchoolCalifornia Lutheran UniversityIEEE EMB SocietyIEEE Buenaventura Section